Saturday, November 28, 2009

Open Revit files directly from web

Are you aware that you can actually open Revit projects (RVT) and families (RFA) direcly from web?

It is true. Revit can open RVT and RFA files (projects, families) directly from a URL address on web.

In the file open dialog (Ctrl+O) try e.g. to enter the file name as:

Revit will download the file from the internet to a temporary folder and open it for editing. Possible changes are saved back to this temporary file (not back to the web).

Another option for using web repositories is inserting Revit families (libraries) directly from web by mouse-dragging with the iDrop technology. Try e.g. to use the "eyedropper" and drag the table from the web page (say Revitcity) to your Revit application window.

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